The results of the following formula is 0 when column G has values in it.
=SUM(IF($B$6:$B$65536="John Doe",IF($B$6:$B$65536="Jane
Dane",IF($B$6:$B$65536="Jack Dark",IF($G$6:$G$65536<>"",0,1)))))
Can someone please show me what I am missing or don't need in the formula in
order to get the right sum?
=SUM(IF($B$6:$B$65536="John Doe",IF($B$6:$B$65536="Jane
Dane",IF($B$6:$B$65536="Jack Dark",IF($G$6:$G$65536<>"",0,1)))))
Can someone please show me what I am missing or don't need in the formula in
order to get the right sum?