Sum = B3 if B1= Marketing


DK Liner

C3 = either Member Services, Education, Marketing or Admin.
D3 = Qty Ordered (ea order)
E3 = Unit Price (per order)
F3 = Total (per order)

I need to have a colum for each dept. (Member Srvs, Education, etc) for each
day with a total for each dept.
Education Total is G3
Member Services is H3

Is it countif?......Or can you think of an easier format.

Thank you in advance.


in G4 enter


copy formula to your right

if this helps please click yes thanks

Sean Timmons

not ereally necessary to have a sumproduct for this...

=SUMIF($C:$C,G3,$F:$F) will get it. Thinking this will calculate quicker.

Fred Smith

-- your entry in G3 does not match anything in column C
-- or, you don't have numbers in column F (eg, you have text).

Sumif is a very common function, and millions of people use it every day.
We're sure you can join them with a little effort on your part.


Jacob Skaria

Hi "DK Liner"

Let us try the below test..

--Copy the below data in A:B to a sheet so that the data is arranged as
viewed below.
--In ColC we have the departments
--In ColD cell D1 apply the below formula which will add up all values in
ColB corresponding to the department in Column C
--The formula =SUMIF(A:A,"Admin",B:B) will add up all Admin entries..
--Try and feedback ..

Col A Col B Col C Col D
Education 1 Education =SUMIF(A:A,C1,B:B)
Marketing 2 Marketing =SUMIF(A:A,C2,B:B)
Admin 3 Admin =SUMIF(A:A,C3,B:B)
Education 4
Marketing 5
Admin 6
Education 7
Marketing 8
Admin 9

DK Liner

I really appreciate your attempts but I think I will create a new format and
start over.

DK Liner


You my friend, are my NBF!! That is it. Works perfectly.

Thank you very much.

D. Liner

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