What I'm looking to do is basicly go into my outlook calendar for the week and assign all my calender appointments to a category (i.e. Meeting, Personal, Project A, Lunch, Waste of Time... etc.). Then I'd like to be able to get a quick report that sums the time I spend doing each of those things i.e
Meetings.........................................5 Hour
Personal.........................................20 Hour
Lunch.............................................5 Hour
Wasted Time..................................100 Hours :
Basicly I just want to do this as a way to plan. Like my goal is to spend 10 hours on Project A this week and no more than 5 hours in meetings etc. It almost seems like this should be functionality built into Outlook (maybe it is) but I just can find it
As an added bonus I'd be interested in running these same kinds of reports on my exchange server across a group of people
So there's my question.... Anything come to mind
Meetings.........................................5 Hour
Personal.........................................20 Hour
Lunch.............................................5 Hour
Wasted Time..................................100 Hours :
Basicly I just want to do this as a way to plan. Like my goal is to spend 10 hours on Project A this week and no more than 5 hours in meetings etc. It almost seems like this should be functionality built into Outlook (maybe it is) but I just can find it
As an added bonus I'd be interested in running these same kinds of reports on my exchange server across a group of people
So there's my question.... Anything come to mind