Sum and Rank



I was trying to figure this out and posted a question in "Worksheet
Functions" but not getting an answer I thought perhaps I should write a VBA
macro to acomplish the task. With a macro I can use filtering to select all
entries (rows) that fit the criteria, and fall in the report month, but I am
still having some trouble.

I have 400 rows of entries. And a person may have one or more entries. My
first task is to figure out how to add (sum) their points and then rank the

Bob 100
Bob 25
Jim 75
Bob 15
Jim 100
George 150

Should yield:
175 Jim
150 George
140 Bob

=====Here is what I worte under Functions==========

I don't ever seem to ask the obvious. I have a table made up in part of the
Col A - Area (there are 8 areas so I am trying to get a top ten for each area)
Col C - Names (this is what I want returned)
Col H - Points (a person may have multiple lines so I want to total their
points and base the rank on the total).
Col G - Date (there is a date when the points were scored so I want to total
the points for the month selected)

And I want the top ten for each area to appear on a different page from the
data! (I am not asking for much, I know)

So on tab2 I have a Spinner selecting the Area, and a Spinner selecting the
month. SO I want to return the top ten scorers for the selected month.

Thank you for even taking the time to read down this far!

Jim Thomlinson

By far the easiest option is a pivot table. Pivot tables aggregate based on
area, name, ... They can sort based on the total and show the top X number of
items... Are pivot tables an option???


I am willing to explore it but leary because I am placing the project in the
hands of others and I am not strong in this area.


I wanted you to know I am having some fun with pivot tables. I am far from
proficient but I went throught the Pivot Table Overview at the Microsoft
Office site and am feeling better about them, the wizard is , well, a wiz.

Thowing a pivot table intot ehfile has been a help, although the file siaze
has gone up considerably. But now I have to do some ranking based on the
pivot table.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Pivot Tables are good in that they get me the sum of all lines by name, but
my desire is to get a top ten lists for each of the regions (1-5). (And then
eventually I am trying to get the top ten for a given month).

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