Suggestions for upgrading my desktop PC...

Jul 4, 2008
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Hi everyone. I want to be able to play some newer computer games (particularly, Team Fortress 2) and was wondering what upgrades you would suggest that ARE compatible with my current system. Here are my specs:

Windows XP SP2
AVG Free Anti-Virus & Spybot SD Resident
Broadband net connection
Intel Celeron 2.53GHz
Intel Grantsdale-G i915G/GL/GV (Motherboard Chipset)
Intel 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family (128MB) (Video Adapter)

Please keep in mind that I do not want a video game power-horse, and I am looking for the most affordable upgrades I can make to get the biggest bang for my buck. I recognize, however, that with the current setup, this might not be possible. Thanks!
Do you have a model number of your motherboard, as although you've provided the chipset details it isn't possible to tell what sort of expansion options you have available (i.e. an AGP or PCI-E slot).

Providing you do have a graphics card slot available (as some computers with integrated graphics don't come with one), then you should be able to play TF2 with some upgrades :)

Your CPU isn't going to be able to play the latest games, so if you wanted to play something recent (like Mass Effect or Assassins Creed for example) then you'd need a more major upgrade.
Hi Ian,

Thanks so much for the helpful comments. Really, at the moment, all I want to be able to play is TF2 and Half-Life2.

I used AIDA32 to check the specs and I'm not sure where to find the expansion options. I know I could find out what I have if I cracked open my tower, but I'd rather not. Any idea where to look for this info using AIDA32? Thanks again!

Don't know the program you are talkingh about but the one above will tell you all you need to know.

You have an "Office" PC ... is this a Gateway machine?

The Celeron CPU is not a 'choice' for playing games, it's painfully slow.

Your "integrated" Intel graphics are even worse ... you have an AGP slot you could use, it's finding a card that will do.

Then you'd also need more Ram.


Will this be an ok card for the games he wants to play. It is only £18. An if he has a spare ram slot I'm sure that he could get a stick of secondhand ram for around £10. I think I may have one lying around somewhere or someone on the site might have some spare. That would be a pretty cheap upgrade. That is if the cpu will handle those games.
