Well you have to also calculate in the fact that most posters are using either
Outlook Express or the web interface to post and both default to Top. AFAIK
there is no way to change it in the web interface.
George (Bindar Dundat ©) MS-MVP
For Windows Troubleshooting Tips see;
| It wouldn't hurt to add it to the posting suggestions on the MVP FAQ site,
| though. I know many posts look like the poster doesn't read that page,
| though.
| --
| Charles Kenyon
| Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
| <URL:
| Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
| Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
| <URL:
| See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:
http://www.mvps.org/word/> which is awesome!
| --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
| This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
| and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
| from my ignorance and your wisdom.
| | > It's the "War that never ends" Suzanne. I try to think of MS groups as
| not
| > being a part of Usenet and with that in mind, the Usenet rules don't
| apply.
| > When we are dealing with posters with little or no experience, it is
| difficult
| > to try and get them to follow someone's (never agreed on) rules. They
| often
| > have enough trouble just stating what the problem is.
| >
| > --
| > George (Bindar Dundat ©) MS-MVP
| >
| > For Windows Troubleshooting Tips see;
| >
| >
| > | > | Amen. Without wanting to start a top vs. bottom posting flame war, I
| have to
| > | say that I get very disgusted when I scroll down several screens to find
| a
| > | one-line comment indistinguishable from the quoted text because it got
| stuck
| > | into a quote character left over from the quoted portion.
| > |
| > | --
| > | Suzanne S. Barnhill
| > | Microsoft MVP (Word)
| > | Words into Type
| > | Fairhope, Alabama USA
| > | Word MVP FAQ site:
| > | Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the
| newsgroup so
| > | all may benefit.
| > |
| > | | > | > Newsgroup messages would be easier and quicker to read if the text of
| > | > each message appeared at the TOP of each message, instead of BELOW the
| > | > text of the previous message(s), which makes it necessary to scroll
| down
| > | > past the previous message(s) before you can read the new message.
| > | >
| > | > Larry
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| >