Seeing as how some spyware are very persistent, it is often necessary to go
into safemode to get rid of such things loading so your tools can clean them
properly. Antispyware Beta currently only supports a large screen. I would
suggest that you allow for the screens to be smaller so when you are in
limited/reduced video modes you can actually utilize all the features in the
tool. Many buttons and features are just not available since they go off the
screen in such a mode and there is little you can do to rectify this. So
much of the program becomes useless in this useful diagnostic and repare mode.
into safemode to get rid of such things loading so your tools can clean them
properly. Antispyware Beta currently only supports a large screen. I would
suggest that you allow for the screens to be smaller so when you are in
limited/reduced video modes you can actually utilize all the features in the
tool. Many buttons and features are just not available since they go off the
screen in such a mode and there is little you can do to rectify this. So
much of the program becomes useless in this useful diagnostic and repare mode.