Artificial intelligence is best created using languages such as LISP. Although the next version of
C# is getting pretty close with lambda expressions (I guess), I don't think there is any managed
version of LISP at the moment.
Your better off with a well-defined goal to base a project on where you can identify the
requirements and architect a proper solution.
I'll assume that you're a beginner, so this is definitely a better approach since it will allow you
to create success metrics that tell you when the project is complete and work towards that goal.
Since AI is just a decision tree, not true intelligence, you'll never find a logical end to your
project (or even a logical start, possibly). Also, AI is just too broad of a topic.
I recommend coding a project that you'll see value in; something you can use on your own desktop.
Definitely include persistent state (data in a database or xml file, for example) but don't out-step
your own boundaries early on. Ask questions, research and test as you go, making sure that you
focus on the requirements of your application and not just the technology. Through experience and
research you'll acquire a better understanding of the technology automatically, but having a program
that works may be the incentive you'll need to continue learning.
If you need help at all, your questions are welcomed in the newsgroups