I've been running an A7V333 with an Athlon 2400 for a while with no
problems. Recently the whole thing has been suddenly turning off. It
happens without warning and if it's switched back on straight away it
refuses to post - no beeps, no spoken message, nothing except a black
screen and the fans whirring. Given a minute or two to rest it'll
then boot up without any trouble.
I assumed it was a temperature problem but it went ten days
running 24/7 with a lot of that time playing City of Heroes, which I
figure is a reasonable CPU load, but then shuts down twice in a day
whilst my wife is playing some tiny Shockwave-type game or Solitare.
The only hardware change to the system that fits in timewise is a
change from a Nvidia GF4 4200 to an ATI 9600XT
My next guess would be the power supply - butthat really would be a
Does anyone have any suggestions?
problems. Recently the whole thing has been suddenly turning off. It
happens without warning and if it's switched back on straight away it
refuses to post - no beeps, no spoken message, nothing except a black
screen and the fans whirring. Given a minute or two to rest it'll
then boot up without any trouble.
I assumed it was a temperature problem but it went ten days
running 24/7 with a lot of that time playing City of Heroes, which I
figure is a reasonable CPU load, but then shuts down twice in a day
whilst my wife is playing some tiny Shockwave-type game or Solitare.
The only hardware change to the system that fits in timewise is a
change from a Nvidia GF4 4200 to an ATI 9600XT
My next guess would be the power supply - butthat really would be a
Does anyone have any suggestions?