Sudden Regular BSOD

  • Thread starter Thread starter atrelio
  • Start date Start date


Hi there,

I'm experiencing a quite weird and annoying error phenomenon. I've been
using Vista more than a year now without any problem and I simply just love

All of a sudden though, about two weeks ago, the system began to crashing on
a regular basis. BSOD... there were no hardware or software changes at all!
Hardware failure is out of question anyway since this system is a dual boot
system (WinXP Pro) and the other OS works perfectly fine.

So I installed SP1 but nothing changed. I boot the machine, get to the login
screen, log in, and try to use the system: sometimes it takes only a minute,
sometimes it takes 5 minutes to freeze to BSOD (never longer). Always after I
logged in, never before!

I also tried to fall back to other video drivers (nVidia), still no luck.

I am at a total loss as to what the hell happened to my rig just like that,
so please give me a hand here! Any help appreciated!

Thank you in advance!
What does the BSOD say? Is there a particular file or driver causing the

Hello Chris,

it varies. Most of the time though the infamous "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL"
message apperas. BSOD codes also vary (e.g. 0x0000007e (0x0000005,
0x81EA5E91, 0x80599C38, 0x80599934)).

That's why I suspected video driver issue or memory error - even if XP works
flawlessly, I run the BIOS memtest for hours - no errors of course.

Go to the control panel/system and open the advanced settings. Enter the
startup and recovery settings, set the recovery options so that a small
memory (minidump) is created on system failure. Apply the options. Next time
the error occurs (which, by the way, is a driver error), send the minidump
created to me at (e-mail address removed) using a subject line of 'per req' to get past
filtes. The file will be under C:\Windows\Minidump. Please send only the
most recent one. It may contain information needed to diagnose which driver
is the problem, or if there is some other underlying cause.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

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