I have/had an absolutely identical problem to you - same error messages -
sometimes twice within an hour - sometimes not for a couple of weeks.
Like you I couldn't find anything in conflict, fans were working and filters
clear. Neither of these explanations seemed very likely to me anyway - why
would I get a conflict or overheating twice within an hour and then not for a
couple of weeks?
I had more or less given up on the problem because the frequent crashes were
very rare and it was hardly sanity threatening...
I decided to install another hard drive for back-up purposes. The compressed
disc image back-up only takes about 20 gigs of the 40 gig drive so as my C
drive was about 80% full I decided to move the page file on to the new drive.
While I was at it I increased the minimum size to one gig and the maximum to
two gigs.
Since doing less I haven't had a spontaneous re boot. I realise that I am
tempting providence in posting this and that the machine will probably reboot
10 seconds after I have clicked send...
I suppose it just could be something to do with increasing the maximum size
of the page file from 1.5 gigs to 2 although I admit it is difficult to see
why running out of page file would cause the error message we see/saw.
Anyway, hopefully this will give you something to try which may help to
overcome the feeling of helpless frustration.
clairy said:
They appear to be, at least i can hear the fan working. i am going to clean
out the back of the unit later in case it is simply dust or dirt (but the
unit is not very old anyway). Ichecked the event viewer and got this error
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000001e
(0xc0000005, 0xb9d0ac5e, 0x00000000, 0x000000f9). Microsoft Windows 2000
[v15.2195]. A dump was saved in: C:\WINNT\Minidump\Mini110704-02.dmp.
Nothing seems to be in conflict, although I do have a morthboard with
integrated sound and a seperate soundcard (which I use at present).
If I go and check the BIOS, what should I be loooking for to see that
nothing is overheating?
PA20Pilot said:
Hi Claire,
Are all your cooling fans working, including the power supply fan?
Excess heat has occasionally caused this same problem.