Jonathan wolch
Forgive the lack of technical reach - I'm not much of a
techncian and within sight of my wits end. I have a P3-
700 that has 256 Meg of ram and has been happily running
Win2000 and the office suite for 2 years. Suddenly, the
performance fell off precipitously. Programs won't
start, simple clicking an icon takes up to five minutes
to get a response from the machine. It only runs well in
safe mode. I've run the Win2000 repair protocol,
defraged the drive and no results (zero on a virus scan
as well)
techncian and within sight of my wits end. I have a P3-
700 that has 256 Meg of ram and has been happily running
Win2000 and the office suite for 2 years. Suddenly, the
performance fell off precipitously. Programs won't
start, simple clicking an icon takes up to five minutes
to get a response from the machine. It only runs well in
safe mode. I've run the Win2000 repair protocol,
defraged the drive and no results (zero on a virus scan
as well)