Hi All, hope someone can help me today.
Suddenly I have a Foreign script appearing on my PC.
If I right click an icon on my desktop and then click compatibility......The
language is not english!
There is also some of this on my taskbar, if I click 'start' it appears
between 'control panel' and 'connect to' ( the add remove programs )Program
access and defaults is totally foreign!
Can anyone tell me how to cure this problem before the whole thing is taken
Thanks very much,
Suddenly I have a Foreign script appearing on my PC.
If I right click an icon on my desktop and then click compatibility......The
language is not english!
There is also some of this on my taskbar, if I click 'start' it appears
between 'control panel' and 'connect to' ( the add remove programs )Program
access and defaults is totally foreign!
Can anyone tell me how to cure this problem before the whole thing is taken
Thanks very much,