Good evening. I have configured a dial-up connection to one of our servers.
Once I successfully dial up to this server, then I can remote to one of our
other servers. I am able to do this successfully from work. I cannot dial up
from home. When I tested it at work, I was not connected via our T1, I only
had the analog phone cord plugged into my laptop. I was able to dial-up just
fine to one server, then use Remote Desktop to access another server. When I
brought my laptop home, the modem tones do not sound right and it takes a
long time before it bombs out. I have checked and rechecked all settings. I
do not understand why it works at work because it can't tell that I'm on the
companies network since the network cable is not plugged into it. I have 2
other team-mates with the exact same problem; works from work but not from
home. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've talked some
networking techs and so far have not been able to resolve it. Thank you!
Once I successfully dial up to this server, then I can remote to one of our
other servers. I am able to do this successfully from work. I cannot dial up
from home. When I tested it at work, I was not connected via our T1, I only
had the analog phone cord plugged into my laptop. I was able to dial-up just
fine to one server, then use Remote Desktop to access another server. When I
brought my laptop home, the modem tones do not sound right and it takes a
long time before it bombs out. I have checked and rechecked all settings. I
do not understand why it works at work because it can't tell that I'm on the
companies network since the network cable is not plugged into it. I have 2
other team-mates with the exact same problem; works from work but not from
home. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've talked some
networking techs and so far have not been able to resolve it. Thank you!