Subweb FAQ ?

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I know that many have posted questions about subwebs and their
challenges but has anyone put together a FAQ ? And yes, I'm going
through the GoogleGroups archive for my answers currently.

John S. Douglas
Photographer & Webmaster
I know that many have posted questions about subwebs and their
challenges but has anyone put together a FAQ ? And yes, I'm going
through the GoogleGroups archive for my answers currently.

I know, I know ! Bad form to reply to ones own question but I'm trying
to multitask a little over here so bear with me !

So I upload my site ( via FTP to a Linux
box on and have it install the FP extensions. I then open
the site in FP03 and have it convert the /alt_domains/ directory to a
subwed followed with converting the subdirectories /dp, /ps, /xs, /kq
and a couple others to subwebs. Each subdirectory is for an individual
domain and the domains resolve out but they won't open when I attempt
to open using their domain name. is one
that I have tried and it will open as

So is this a FP extension issue that can be addressed or a server
issue in that FP isn't being directed to the correct folder ?

John S. Douglas
Photographer & Webmaster
You don't FTP to a site with FP server extensions. That will corrupt them.

If you didn't have the extensions installed initially, you install them
first, then http publish your webs.

It has been posted in this newsgroup many times that there are many issues,
as it is, with GoDaddy.
You don't FTP to a site with FP server extensions. That will corrupt them.

I know, the extensions weren't installed at that time. I was just
updaing files. And you can FTP into an FP site without corrupting it.
You just can't upload anything and expect it to work in the web. I've
one this many times.
If you didn't have the extensions installed initially, you install them
first, then http publish your webs.

I usually have the FP extensions setup, create an empty directory on
my hard drive, open the web and publish it back to my system. Then I
open the new web, import my files and publish back to the server. I
could be wrong but I believe that I was told to follow this practice
some time ago by one oif the MVP's here in this group.
It has been posted in this newsgroup many times that there are many issues,
as it is, with GoDaddy.

Thanks. I'll search for those posts. I realize they're newbies but I
hope that they have some of the basics down.

John S. Douglas
Photographer & Webmaster
You will never be able to open them via the actual domain name via FP, but should work from within a
browser as long as GoDaddy is configured to point the domains to each subweb.

In FP you would always open the primary domain and then double click the individual subweb to open.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.