This is the code ive got for a subtract button
mdcurrentresult -= txtresult.Tex
txtresult.Text = mdcurrentresult.ToString(
mbOperationbuttonPressed = Tru
Now this almost works it subtracts and gets the right answer apart from the fact that it turns everything into a negative number except numbers which are meant to be minus which it turns into positives.
for exampl
6-4= -2 should equal
4-6= 2 should equal -
What can I do to the code to make it work properly
Also how do I use keypress and where do I put in the code for it and how do I make it work
thanx everyone
mdcurrentresult -= txtresult.Tex
txtresult.Text = mdcurrentresult.ToString(
mbOperationbuttonPressed = Tru
Now this almost works it subtracts and gets the right answer apart from the fact that it turns everything into a negative number except numbers which are meant to be minus which it turns into positives.
for exampl
6-4= -2 should equal
4-6= 2 should equal -
What can I do to the code to make it work properly
Also how do I use keypress and where do I put in the code for it and how do I make it work
thanx everyone