Thanks Doug & John,
I'm going with John's solution, as I'm more comfortable with "native" Access
and have never learnt any coding methods. Maybe that's something to get
into, when I get enough free time ;-{
Thx again, Colin D.
: On Sat, 7 May 2005 19:53:58 -0400, "Colin D."
: >Hi, Newbie here, I'm trying to subtract two dates and find the answer in
: >hours and minutes.
: >This works for less than 24 hours, =([Last Date Actual]-[Last Date
: >Scheduled])
: >but how do I get it to work for more than 24 hours?
: >Any ideas? TIA, Colin D.
: >
: Doug's Diff2Dates custom code is very slick and well worth getting. If
: for some reason you need to do it with native Access, you can use the
: DateDiff() function to get the difference in minutes:
: DateDiff("n", [Last Date Scheduled], [Last Date Actual])
: This gives integer minutes ("h" gives integer hours; just in case
: you're wondering why "n" means miNutes, it's because "m" means
: Months). To get hours and minutes you can use
: DateDiff("h", [Last Date Scheduled], [Last Date Actual]) &
: Format(DateDiff("n", [Last Date Scheduled], [Last Date Actual]) MOD
: 60, "\:00")
: John W. Vinson[MVP]