There's an option in the word object library to surpressing blank lines when
automating a mail merge. The problem is that within my database instead of
blank fields I have values "N/A". This is by design as they are the default
values in corresponding Lookup Tables for Town, Region and Country. Is
there any way of creating an expression within a query that substitues one
value for another e.g. expr: if fldCountryName = "N/A" then expr = "".
There's an option in the word object library to surpressing blank lines when
automating a mail merge. The problem is that within my database instead of
blank fields I have values "N/A". This is by design as they are the default
values in corresponding Lookup Tables for Town, Region and Country. Is
there any way of creating an expression within a query that substitues one
value for another e.g. expr: if fldCountryName = "N/A" then expr = "".