subst command no longer recognized in XP

  • Thread starter Thread starter AN
  • Start date Start date


Does anyone know why the subst command no longer works with XP?
This used to work: (subst q: c:\data\)
I think it is no longer recognized by XP since the latest update.
Does anyone know why the subst command no longer works with XP?
This used to work: (subst q: c:\data\)
I think it is no longer recognized by XP since the latest update.

Mine works - XP Pro SP3.

In what fashion does yours no longer work and which is the latest

If you run your subst command from a command prompt, what are the

How did you used to get it to work?

Please provide additional information about your system:

Click Start, Run and in the box enter:


Click OK, and when the System Summary info appears, click Edit, Select
All, Copy and then paste
the information back here.

There will be some personal information (like System Name and User
Name), and whatever appears to
be private information to you, just delete it from the pasted

This will minimize back and forth Q&A and eliminate guesswork.
AN said:
Does anyone know why the subst command no longer works with XP?
This used to work: (subst q: c:\data\)
I think it is no longer recognized by XP since the latest update.

If you are getting a "Path not found error" it's because the syntax is
incorrect, drop the last slash.

subst q: c:\data

Results of msinfo32:

Naam van besturingssysteem Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Versie 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
Fabrikant Microsoft Corporation
Systeemnaam HP_DESKTOP
Systeemfabrikant Hewlett-Packard
Systeemmodel HP Compaq dc7600 Small Form Factor
Systeemtype Op x86 gebaseerde pc
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~2992 Mhz
BIOS-versie/datum Hewlett-Packard 786D1 v01.56, 24-4-2006
SMBIOS-versie 2.4
Map van Windows C:\WINDOWS
Systeemmap C:\WINDOWS\system32
Opstartapparaat \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Landinstelling Nederland
Hardware Abstraction Layer Versie = "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)"
Gebruikersnaam HP_DESKTOP\Vincent Stomph
Tijdzone West-Europa (standaardtijd)
Totaal fysiek geheugen 2.049,00 MB
Beschikbaar fysiek geheugen 999,34 MB
Totaal virtueel geheugen 2,00 GB
Beschikbaar virtueel geheugen 1,95 GB
Ruimte voor wisselbestand 2,85 GB
Wisselbestand C:\pagefile.sys

if I type subst at the command prompt I shoud see something. Instead it
replies that it doesn't recognize the command as before it did.

Jose schreef:
The msinfo32 command gives:

Naam van besturingssysteem Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Versie 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
Fabrikant Microsoft Corporation
Systeemnaam HP_DESKTOP
Systeemfabrikant Hewlett-Packard
Systeemmodel HP Compaq dc7600 Small Form Factor
Systeemtype Op x86 gebaseerde pc
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~2992 Mhz
BIOS-versie/datum Hewlett-Packard 786D1 v01.56, 24-4-2006
SMBIOS-versie 2.4
Map van Windows C:\WINDOWS
Systeemmap C:\WINDOWS\system32
Opstartapparaat \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Landinstelling Nederland
Hardware Abstraction Layer Versie = "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)"
Gebruikersnaam HP_DESKTOP\name user
Tijdzone West-Europa (standaardtijd)
Totaal fysiek geheugen 2.049,00 MB
Beschikbaar fysiek geheugen 999,34 MB
Totaal virtueel geheugen 2,00 GB
Beschikbaar virtueel geheugen 1,95 GB
Ruimte voor wisselbestand 2,85 GB
Wisselbestand C:\pagefile.sys

The command subst q: c:\data (without slash at the end) did function
earlier but is not recognised anymore when I use this as a .bat file
during start up. The command subst at the prompt should show something
because it does on my other pc.

ping at the dosprompt doesn't is no longer recognized either!!!! Help.

Jose schreef:
Results of msinfo32:

Naam van besturingssysteem      Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Versie  5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Build 2600
Fabrikant       Microsoft Corporation
Systeemnaam     HP_DESKTOP
Systeemfabrikant        Hewlett-Packard
Systeemmodel    HP Compaq dc7600 Small Form Factor
Systeemtype     Op x86 gebaseerde pc
Processor       x86 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 4 GenuineIntel ~2992Mhz
BIOS-versie/datum       Hewlett-Packard 786D1 v01.56, 24-4-2006
SMBIOS-versie   2.4
Map van Windows C:\WINDOWS
Systeemmap      C:\WINDOWS\system32
Opstartapparaat \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Landinstelling  Nederland
Hardware Abstraction Layer      Versie = "5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2111)"
Gebruikersnaam  HP_DESKTOP\Vincent Stomph
Tijdzone        West-Europa (standaardtijd)
Totaal fysiek geheugen  2.049,00 MB
Beschikbaar fysiek geheugen     999,34 MB
Totaal virtueel geheugen        2,00 GB
Beschikbaar virtueel geheugen   1,95 GB
Ruimte voor wisselbestand       2,85 GB
Wisselbestand   C:\pagefile.sys

If you have no substituted drives and you run subst from the command
prompt you will not see anything.

Do you mean that when you run subst from the command prompt it says:

....not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program
or batch file.

The subst.exe file should be in c:\windows\system32 on your system -
maybe your path need adjusting.

Do you see the subst.exe in c:\windows\system32?

Try running the subst.exe command from c:\windows\system32 and see
what it says then:

You should get a usage line with:

subst /?

Check your path and adjust it if needed to put c:\windows\system32 in
the path or change your batch file to use the full path, correct
system variable, or whatever you like to do. To see your path, from
the command prompt enter:

AN said:
The command subst q: c:\data (without slash at the end) did function
earlier but is not recognised anymore when I use this as a .bat file
during start up. The command subst at the prompt should show something
because it does on my other pc.

ping at the dosprompt doesn't is no longer recognized either!!!! Help.

Sounds like %SystemRoot%\system32 is missing from the Path variable.

1 - Right click on My Computer and select Properties.
2 - Click on the Advanced tab then click on the Environment Variables button
3 - Double click on the Path System Variable (in the bottom box)
4 - Verify that %SystemRoot%\system32 is present if it isn't Edit the
variable and add it to the Path.

John John - MVP schreef:
Sounds like %SystemRoot%\system32 is missing from the Path variable.

1 - Right click on My Computer and select Properties.
2 - Click on the Advanced tab then click on the Environment Variables
3 - Double click on the Path System Variable (in the bottom box)
4 - Verify that %SystemRoot%\system32 is present if it isn't Edit the
variable and add it to the Path.


I can't find this Path System Variable.
On my laptop the ping and subst commands are working properly and I
can't see a defference with the above mentioned bottom box.
It looks like no of all the present exe and com commands in the
windowd\system32 directory are working anymore.
AN said:
John John - MVP schreef:

I can't find this Path System Variable.
On my laptop the ping and subst commands are working properly and I
can't see a defference with the above mentioned bottom box.
It looks like no of all the present exe and com commands in the
windowd\system32 directory are working anymore.

Open a Command Prompt and use the CD command to navigate to the System32
folder and try running the commands again. If you need more help run
the PATH command and redirect the output to a text file then you can
copy/paste it to your next post:

path >c:\path.txt

John John - MVP schreef:

I can't find this Path System Variable.
On my laptop the ping and subst commands are working properly and I
can't see a defference with the above mentioned bottom box.
It looks like no of all the present exe and com commands in the
windowd\system32 directory are working anymore.

If you do not see it where John John said, somehow it became missing,
so from that window choose to create a new System variable with
Variable name:


Variable data:


Clcik OK twice to close the windows, check again, reboot, check again,
then test.

From a command prompt, type:


and you should see something like:


Sometimes, the path variable has a few more things in it that are
added by other installations or by hand, but it should at least have
that much. That tells the commands where to start looking for
executables. That is where your ping and subst commands are so you
want it to look there.

Check the working laptop to see how things work there, make your
afflicted system look the same.
Dear Jose, John John:
THX guys; creating this new variable path %systemroot%\system32 did the
Now I can use the commands again.
I suspect the registercleaning tool Glarysoft of deleting this entry in
my register. Next time I use it again I will look if something has
changed again!.
Best regards.

Jose schreef:
AN said:
Dear Jose, John John:
THX guys; creating this new variable path %systemroot%\system32 did the
Now I can use the commands again.
I suspect the registercleaning tool Glarysoft of deleting this entry in
my register. Next time I use it again I will look if something has
changed again!.

Don't bother with registry cleaners, they don't do anything to promote
the health and well being of the Windows installation and for most part
they cause more harm than good.

Dear Jose, John John:
THX guys; creating this new variable path %systemroot%\system32 did the
Now I can use the commands again.
I suspect the registercleaning tool Glarysoft of deleting this entry in
my register. Next time I use it again I will look if something has
changed again!.
Best regards.

Jose schreef:

Good job.