Subscript Out of Range Error

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The workbooks and macros used are being created in Excel 2007, but saved in the
97-2003 format.

I have a macro that the boss will use to enter employees and place the
names, date added, and count (sequential) into a worksheet. It loops in case
there is more than one name to be added.

NOTE: The boss will be in workbook(QA Master.xls)

Once the boss is through entering names, the macro will then loop and create
a workbook, copying the Workbook("QA Template.xls") and renaming it with the
employee name that was entered.

I don't know why, but I am getting the following error on the line that
copies and names the new workbook:
Runtime Error 9
Subscript Out of Range

The macro is below:

Option Base 1
'Add Employee to list and create workbook for employee
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim Employee(1 To 200), Msg, Title As String 'Array may not reach 200
Dim Config, num, k As Integer
Dim Ans1, Ans2, cnt As Integer
Dim rng As Range
num = 1 'Tracks number of employees entered. Becomes actual UBound of array
myPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
Employee(num) = InputBox("Enter Employee's Name (First or Middle, Last
If Employee(num) = "" Or Left(Employee(num), 1) = " " Then
MsgBox ("Invalid Entry. Please enter employee's name.")
Employee(num) = ""
End If
Msg = "Is the employee's name correctly entered?"
Msg = Msg & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
Msg = Msg & Employee(num)
Config = vbYesNo + vbQuestion
Ans1 = MsgBox(Msg, Config, Title)
If Ans1 = vbNo Then
Employee(num) = ""
End If
'Validation of Entry Complete
'Proceed to place data in cells
Set rng = Range("I65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rng.Value = Employee(num)
rng.Offset(0, -1).Value = Date 'Place DATE employee added into cell
If rng.Offset(-1, -2).Value = "NUM" Then 'Determine if this is first line
in list
cnt = 1 'If YES, cnt = 1
cnt = rng.Offset(-1, -2).Value 'Pick up last number entered (total
employees to date)
cnt = cnt + 1 'Add one to last count in employee list
End If
rng.Offset(0, -2).Value = cnt 'cnt serves as a count on number of employees
in list.
Msg = "Do you want to enter another employee?"
Config = vbYesNo + vbQuestion
Title = "CONTINUE"
Ans2 = MsgBox(Msg, Config, Title)
If Ans2 = vbYes Then
num = num + 1
End If
'Create workbook for each employee entered
For k = 1 To num
Workbooks("QA Template.xls").SaveAs Filename:=myPath & "\" & Employee(k)
& ".xls"
Next k
End Sub

I appreciate any help with this.

Subscript out of range means that there is nothing by that name in the
collection that you're looking at.

This set of lines:

For k = 1 To num
Workbooks("QA Template.xls").SaveAs _
Filename:=myPath & "\" & Employee(k) & ".xls"
Next k

will save the "QA template.xls" workbook with a new name. That means that there
is no longer an open workbook with that name.

Without any testing at all, I'd try:

For k = 1 To num
Workbooks("QA Template.xls").SaveCOPYAs _
Filename:=myPath & "\" & Employee(k) & ".xls"
Next k

..SaveCopyAs won't touch the original workbook's name.
For k = 1 To num
Workbooks("QA Template.xls").SaveAs Filename:=myPath & "\" & Employee(k)
& ".xls"
Next k

Les, if this is where you are getting the error, then be sure that your
workbook name, including the file extension is correct. You mentioned that
you are working in xl07 and saving as xl97 - xl03. If so, your QA Template
file could have .xlsx or .xlsm file extension which would throw the error.
The problem is with the SaveAs code. You have

Workbooks("QA Template.xls").SaveAs Filename:=myPath & "\" &

On the first iteration of the loop, the code will save "QA
Template.xls" under the new file name. After SaveAs, there is no
workbook named "QA Template.xls". The workbook that was initially
named "QA Tempalte.xls" is now named Employee(1), so on the second
iteration of the loop, the code will blow up when you attempt to
reference "QA Template.xls", since there is no longer a workbook with
that name.

A better way is to use SaveCopyAs rather than SaveAs. This will save
"QA Template.xls" to the new name, but leave the workbook named "QA
Template.xls" in place. With SaveCopyAs, the workbook is saved but is
not open in Excel after the save.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP 1998 - 2010
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
[email on web site]
Well, back to square one. I have made a couple of changes:

1) Changed SaveAs to SaveCopyAs
2) Removed the need of an array by creating the workbook for the employee
at the point the name is placed in the spreadsheet.

Workbook("QA Template.xls") does have the file ext .xls. It is in the same
directory as the QA Master.xls workbook which is where mypath gets the path.

FYI...The explanation previously given that sts the error may have been
caused because of the SaveAs renaming the template workbook apparently was
not true in this case. The QA Template workbook was never renamed on the
first pass of the loop.

Here is the section of the macro that contains the SaveCopyAs code now so
you can see the new placement:

End If
rng.Offset(0, -2).Value = cnt 'cnt serves as a count on number of employees
in list.
'Create workbook for each employee entered
Workbooks("QA Template.xls").SaveCopyAs Filename:=myPath & "\" & Employee &
Msg = "Do you want to enter another employee?"

Thanks for your efforts. I await other options.

Well, I worked up this little test case and it seemed to work OK.

Option Base 1
Sub multWB()
Dim i As Long, myPath As String, myNames
myPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
myNames = Array("Joe", "George", "Ralph")
For i = 1 To UBound(myNames)
Workbooks("TestBook.xls").SaveCopyAs _
Filename:=myPath & "\" & myNames(i) & ".xls"
End Sub

Chip pointed out something that I overlooked in my earlier post, and that is
that using just SaveAs will change the name of the active workbook and
effectively closes the original workbook that was copied. But using the
SaveCopyAS method leaves the original workbook intact and saves the new
workbooks as a closed file. The setup above captures the essence of what
your code did to build the array of names, using option base 1, so that when
the For ... Next loop runs, it is using the same parameters that your code
was using and it worked. I don't know if it was a typo when you made the
last post, but in this:

Workbooks("QA Template.xls").SaveCopyAs Filename:=myPath & "\" & Employee &

the (x) is missing from Employee, to indicate which item of the array. Your
actual code probably has it included, but if it doesn't that would keep it
from working.
Oops! In my last post, I failed to mention one important item. I am still
getting the same error.

As I indicated, I removed the neccessity for an array by moving the
SaveCopyAs line to the section in the code just prior to asking if another
name needs to be entered. This way, everything that needs to be done with an
employee's name is done prior to either exiting or looping back to get
another name.

Here is the section that holds the code as it currently is:

Here is the section of the macro that contains the SaveCopyAs code now so
you can see the new placement:

End If
rng.Offset(0, -2).Value = cnt 'cnt serves as a count on number of employees
in list.
'Create workbook for each employee entered
Workbooks("QA Template.xls").SaveCopyAs Filename:=myPath & "\" & Employee &
Msg = "Do you want to enter another employee?"

The error is indicated as occurring at the point of trying to copy and
rename the new workbook.

So now, in theory, you should be creating a single workbook for a single
name and then asking if there is a another name to process? Did you make
sure that your InputBox variable is "Employee" ? (without the quotes of
course.) If the variable Employee contains the right value and
Workbooks("QA Template.xls") is a valid workbook,. there should be no reason
why you would get an error. Why don't you post the complete code again as
currently written so I can see if there are any fuzzy hands in it?
Here is the code as is (without the array). When the error occurs, I do a
mouseover of the variables in the code and they are correct, ie Employee
holds the value of the name I entered and mypath is correct. Workbooks("QA
Template.xls") is valid and in the current directory.

The only workbook opened is the QA Master that the boss would have opened
when he clicks the ADD EMPLOYEE commandbutton that executes this macro.

Option Base 1
'Add Employee to list and create workbook for employee
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim Employee, Msg, Title As String
Dim Config, num, k As Integer
Dim Ans1, Ans2, cnt As Integer
Dim rng As Range
myPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
Employee = InputBox("Enter Employee's Name (First or Middle, Last Name)",
If Employee = "" Or Left(Employee, 1) = " " Then
MsgBox ("Invalid Entry. Please enter employee's name.")
Employee = ""
End If
Msg = "Is the employee's name correctly entered?"
Msg = Msg & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
Msg = Msg & Employee
Config = vbYesNo + vbQuestion
Ans1 = MsgBox(Msg, Config, Title)
If Ans1 = vbNo Then
Employee = ""
End If
'Validation of Entry Complete
'Proceed to place data in cells
Set rng = Range("I65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
rng.Value = Employee
rng.Offset(0, -1).Value = Date 'Place DATE employee added into cell
If rng.Offset(-1, -2).Value = "NUM" Then 'Determine if this is first line
in list
cnt = 1 'If YES, cnt = 1
cnt = rng.Offset(-1, -2).Value 'Pick up last number entered (total
employees to date)
cnt = cnt + 1 'Add one to last count in employee list
End If
rng.Offset(0, -2).Value = cnt 'cnt serves as a count on number of employees
in list.
'Create workbook for each employee entered
Workbooks("QA Template.xls").SaveCopyAs Filename:=myPath & "\" & Employee &
Msg = "Do you want to enter another employee?"
Config = vbYesNo + vbQuestion
Title = "CONTINUE"
Ans2 = MsgBox(Msg, Config, Title)
If Ans2 = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub

Thanks again for your time and effort on this. I did some googling and
wonder if I do not need a FileFormat added to the SaveCopyAs line since I am
in 2007 and saving in the 97-2003 format? Also, since I am copying and
renaming a different workbook than the one that is opened, is SaveCopyAs the
correct command?

Les, the macro works as it should down to the line to SaveCopyAs. All
variables are properly valued and cells are populated based on those values.
The problem appears to be the workbook name. This can be the causes:

1. Spelling error.
2. Workbook is not open.
3. File extension is incorrect (.xls vs .xlsx or .xlsm)
4. File extension is not visible in system but is used in code, or vice

Click the FileOpen folder icon and look for this file:

QA Template.xls

If it does not appear exactly like this, then you need to change the code to
reflect the correct name, exactly as it appears in the file folder.

If the file is not open when the macro runs, you will need to open the file
before attempthing the SaveCopyAs.
I have verified spelling of filename. When I right-click on the file (QA
Template) and click Properties it indicates File Type as Microsoft Office
Excel 97-2003 Worksheet (.xls). When I left-click to highlight the file
(without opening), the file information at the bottom also indicates
Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 Worksheet.

As I indicated in the previous post, QA Template is NOT open during this
time that the macro is executing, so that may be the problem. Not sure why a
command to copy and rename a file from a macro cannot be executed without
opening that file, but anyway.

What code do I need to open that workbook?

I got it to copy QA Template and rename to match employee name. I had to
open the QA Template workbook to do it and close it at the end. THANKS!!!!!!!

Can I switch gears with you for the next question?

Within the QA Master workbook, the boss will also have a list of questions
(criteria) that will be mirrored in all employee workbooks and the QA
Template. If the boss adds a criteria, I need to add it to the QA Template
workbook and all employee workbooks so he does not have to go through 80+
workbooks individually. If you can provide the code to do this for one cell
in QA Master and place it in QA Template, I believe I can figure out how to
get it to the employee workbooks. Also, will I need to open each workbook
in order to place the new criteria into it or can they all remain closed?

Thanks again for your help and patiences!

That is the problem. If it is not open then VBA cannot find it, hence Error

Workbooks.Open Filename:=myPath & "\QA Template.xls"

Assuming that it is in the same folder as the active workbook. If not, you
will need to enter the full path lIke: "C:\User\Documents and
Settings\xlFiles\QA Template.xls"
I was thinking a button from the Control Toolbox, but it might be just as
easy to use a Workbook_Open event so that whent the Master workbook is
opened it asks if there are updates to be made:

'This would go into the ThisWorkbook code module.
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
upDt = MsgBox("Do you need to update criteria?", _
vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "CRITERIA UPDATE")
If upDt = vbYes Then
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F2").ClearContents '<<<Change
crit = InputBox("Enter the new criteria")
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("F2") = crit '<<<Change to
desired range
End If
End Sub

By using the event code, you will give the boss a tickler that reminds him
to update, whereas, the button would require that he be inspired by some
other stimulus to click the button and run the macro. You can work out the
sheet name and actual range to suit your purposes. Just substitute them
into the code.
I think one of us missed something. I do not see the code that points to
another workbook. The macro will be executed via a commandbutton. This is
an area that he, at some point, decides he wants to add new criteria to the
QA process.

The code will be very similar to that we just worked with where the QA
Template was copied and renamed to match the employee's name. Except in this
case, when the boss wants to add new criteria to the list, it will also add
it to the list in the QA Template and each employee workbook so that all are

I actually will not get the value of the new criteria from a cell, but from
the InputBox. I will then place each new criteria into an array until the
boss has entered all that he needs to enter. At that point, a loop will
execute that will start placing the new additions into each of the workbooks

Why don't you start a new thread with a more detailed description of what
you want the macro to do. This one is getting a little far down the line,
anyhow. Maybe somebody with a better idea than mine will pick up on it.
I will start another thread. I really appreciate your time and effort for
this last issue. I could not proceed until I got this problem solved.

Thanks again,