Subreports ? Please help, I'm running in circles here !

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex Nitulescu
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Alex Nitulescu

I am not asking you to do it for me, I only need an idea to get me out of
this mess, please...

I am trying to create a report based on three tables with the following
(identical) structure: Type/Year/Month/Category/Dimension/Qty/Amount. Based
on them, I need to produce a report which would look like this: for each
Year/Month, I should have the following columns:


RET.Qty, - from table RET
Ret.Amount, - from table RET

NORET.Qty, - from table NORET
NORet.Amount, - from table NORET

OUT.Qty, - from table OUT
OUT.Amount. - from table OUT

The records should be grouped by Year/Month, of course, but also by
- each Category (I have three, A, B, and C)
- each Dimension (I have two, 48 and 60)

That means that for each Year/Month combination I should have 6 rows:
48 A
60 A
48 B
60 B
48 C
60 V
and for each row I should have totals of Qty and Amounts.

So for Year X/Month Y the report should look like this (where Qty is the sum
of Qty and $ is the sum of Amount):

Dim Categ RetQty Ret$ NoretQty Noret$ OutQty Out$
48 A 19 20 22 38
48 93
48 B 73 93 32 19
84 92
48 C 23 19 29 20
49 16
60 A 61 91 73 35
38 81
60 B 51 15 72 83
63 66
60 C 14 32 63 77
83 61

I have tried with subreports, but I can't find the way to group & link them
properly. Can you please, please, please give me some ideas on how to do
this ?

Thank you very much.
Sorry, again, the formatting did tricks on me...
I'm trying once more:

Dim Categ RetQty Ret$ NoretQty Noret$ OutQty Out$
48 A 19 20 22 38 48
48 B 73 93 32 19 84
48 C 23 19 29 20 49
60 A 61 91 73 35 38
60 B 51 15 72 83 63
60 C 14 32 63 77 83