Main Report will have two subreports:
First rpt will be Employee Hrs: Only one record can be entered into this
table per day.
Second rpt will be; Employee Correspondense Completed. This table can have
more multiple entries for one day by employee, if necessary.
Now my Main rpt is based on the many side of the relationship tbl: Correp
I have these fields within the Details section, Sorted by Date then Employee
My sub Rpt is based on Employee Hrs. This subrpt I put within the
EmployeeName Header. The EmployeeName Footer holds the totals on
Correspondence Completed by employee.
So here is how they want the report to look like.
SubRpt from EmployeeHrs
Employee: Melissa
12/01 HrsAbsent, HrsMeeting, HrsClass, #IncomingCalls, #OutgoingCalls,etc, etc
12/02 HrsAbsent, HrsMeeting, HrsClass, #IncomingCalls, #OutgoingCalls, etc,
12/03 HrsAbsent, HrsMeeting, HrsClass, #IncomingCalls, #OutgoingCalls, etc,
(listed directly under Melissa's data for Hrs will list the Correspondence
Completed by
melissa for each of those days)
(AuditTypes must be different if more than one entry in this tbl per day.)
12/01 AuditType, BeginningInventory, EndingInventory, Billing, Assessment, etc
12/01 AuditType, BeginningInventory, EndingInventory, Billing, Assessment, etc
12/02 AuditType, BeginningInventory, EndingInventory, Billing, Assessment, etc
this will go on for Melissa for all records under this employee.
Then it would begin again for next employee. Does this help?
Thanks for all your help. I'm sorry if I am confusing you.
Marshall Barton said:
I also apologize for not getting it. You have explained
what I take to be the same thing several times now. From
everything I can see about what you want, it can be done
using the subreport in the Employee Group footer section.
You did say that that "doesn't work", but I still don't
understand what it actually produced nor what's wrong with
I do think it should work, so maybe I have misscomunicated
something and maybe I can figure out what if you add to the
example to show what it is doing wrong. Please include at
least a little bit of a second employee so I can see how
that fits into what you're describing.
MVP [MS Access]
Melissa wrote:
Ok I apologize I haven't explained properly,
Data from Rpt1 would come first by date.
So all entries from Melissa would list by date from Rpt 1.
All entries from Rpt 1 by Melissa from December would list:
Then after the last entry for Melissa from December, Rpt 2
comes up after (12/31)and lists each entry for Melissa for December as well
from the 2nd rpt.
So all entries from both tables stay together by employee but, all entries
rpt1 by date come first then all entries from rpt2 comes next. This repeats
for all
Maybe there's a meaning to "Same Employee" that I'm just not
picking up. I thought it meant all the data for a single
I think your example's "etc" came a little too early. What
you posted looks just like the first part of what I posted
so I still don't understand the distinction you're trying to
make. Could you expand it to include two employees and some
stuff from the subreport?
MVP [MS Access]
Melissa wrote:
Yes, that is exactly right. That is how I originally set it up (I think the
way it should be.) But, they want:
Employee A group header
date1 data in main report detail1
date2 data in main report detail 1
date3 data in main report detail 1
All data on Same Employee, by date, listed for "report 1" by date
then after that,
Report 2 data below on same employee listed by date. Report 2 is coming from
many side of the relationship.
Then this would start again for next employee B.
I have tried everything I know and gave up. I do not think this can be done.
That's two "doesn't work" explanations I gotten today so I
may be a little frustrated trying to figure out what you
want and why I don't understand what I suggested isn't
taking care of the issue.
My understanding is that rp1 is the main report and rpt2 is
the subreport. Both of them list some data grouped by
employee and then sorted by a date field. The final result
should look like
EmployeeA group header
date1 some data in main report detail1
date2 some data in main report detail2
EmployeeA group footer
date1 some data in subreport detail1
date2 some data in subreport detail2
EmployeeB group header
date3 some data in main report detail3
date4 some data in main report detail4
EmployeeB group footer
date3 some data in subreport detail3
date4 some data in subreport detail4
Melissa wrote:
Yes, that doesn't work.
Melissa wrote:
Here is an example of what "they" want.
rpt1 record- 12/01/2005, employee, data, data, data, etc..
12/02/2005 same employee, data, data, data, etc.
12/03/2005 same employee, data data etc.
rpt2 record- 12/01/2005 same employee, data, data, data, etc..
They basically want the "employee's records" from both tables kept together
consectuatively. So me as an employee, the report would list all my entries
from report 1 and report 2 together for me, then begin again for the next
Did you try placing the rpt2 subreport in the employee group
footer section? I think that's what you're looking for.