Bob H.
Hello all,
I have a site (I'll call site 1}that is connected to
another site {site 2)via a dedicated T1. At site 2, we
utilize mostly thin clients, but we are adding some PC's.
Site 2 has no domain controller as of yet. Also, the
subnet for site 2 is not listed in AD. the problem is when
a user tries to logon from a PC to the domain from site 2,
they get an error that no domain controller is available.
If I add the subnet to AD can I pick a domain controller
to authenticate them? Site 1 has it's own domain
controller and subnet. Can I add site 2's subnet to site
1? In other words, can site 1's DC have 2 subnets
associated with it? I hope I explained this right and
thanks for the help.
Bob H.
I have a site (I'll call site 1}that is connected to
another site {site 2)via a dedicated T1. At site 2, we
utilize mostly thin clients, but we are adding some PC's.
Site 2 has no domain controller as of yet. Also, the
subnet for site 2 is not listed in AD. the problem is when
a user tries to logon from a PC to the domain from site 2,
they get an error that no domain controller is available.
If I add the subnet to AD can I pick a domain controller
to authenticate them? Site 1 has it's own domain
controller and subnet. Can I add site 2's subnet to site
1? In other words, can site 1's DC have 2 subnets
associated with it? I hope I explained this right and
thanks for the help.
Bob H.