Kevin Longley
My network is presently configured to use the 192.168 private ip address
range with a subnet mask of This basically allows a maximum
of 254 host addresss's. I can foresee that within a few years I may exceed
that amount of host address's. I can't foresee needing more than around 500
ip address's for hosts so my question is this:
Should I reconfigure the subnet mask, dhcp scopes, etc. in the private ip
address range of 192.168 to allow for around that amount of address's and
therefore leave my options open should I need to have a routed network or is
it really a non issue since there are other private ip address ranges that
could be used? I am running a switched network for all nodes so that traffic
is a not an issue. Presently support about 125 devices. All opinions
range with a subnet mask of This basically allows a maximum
of 254 host addresss's. I can foresee that within a few years I may exceed
that amount of host address's. I can't foresee needing more than around 500
ip address's for hosts so my question is this:
Should I reconfigure the subnet mask, dhcp scopes, etc. in the private ip
address range of 192.168 to allow for around that amount of address's and
therefore leave my options open should I need to have a routed network or is
it really a non issue since there are other private ip address ranges that
could be used? I am running a switched network for all nodes so that traffic
is a not an issue. Presently support about 125 devices. All opinions