"Submit" button


Robin R

I read somewhere in all the information on Access that you can have a
"Submit" button which would link to an email box, however, I can't find that
information anymore. Can someone help?

I would actually like PART of a form to be linked with the "Submit" button.
Is that possible?


I read somewhere in all the information on Access that you can have a
"Submit" button which would link to an email box, however, I can't find that
information anymore. Can someone help?

I would actually like PART of a form to be linked with the "Submit" button.
Is that possible?

I am not sure what you mean by "link to an email box"

You can cause it to open a generic email message to send by the

application.followhyperlink "emailto:" & me.emailaddress

That should open an empty email with whatever your email server is.

Also check sendobject which can give you even more options....


Robin R

Thanks for answering my post, Ron. I found that link, but I probably didn't
explain myself well. I'm wondering if you can actually have someone fill out
a form (in Access) and then click a "Sumbit" button and have it automatically
go to a group mailbox?



Thanks for answering my post, Ron. I found that link, but I probably didn't
explain myself well. I'm wondering if you can actually have someone fill out
a form (in Access) and then click a "Sumbit" button and have it automatically
go to a group mailbox?


- Show quoted text -

The answer is yes and no - if you are using Outlook as your email
program. I can't say concerning any other email program.

You can have someone fill out a form with information and then
transfer that information into the email.

Then comes the rub.
With the security changes that were put in by MS you cannot send the
email without either the user allowing it or getting another program
to answer the outlook security question for you.
Below are pointers on what you can do.

Here is one way using the sendobject - This requires a response from
the user to then actually send it or the extra programs. I am not sure
that there can be attachments with this method other than queries/
tables or some such - look up the documentation.
Dim SendTo As String ,MySubject As String, MyMessage As String
SendTo="(e-mail address removed)"
MySubject = "Title"
MyMessage = Me.Field1Name & " " & Me.Field2Name
Docmd.SendObject acSendNoObject,,,SendTo,,,MySubject,MyMessage

here is Automation. "body" can be any combinations of concatenated
items from queries forms etc. whatever you can access in access.

Set o = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Set m = o.CreateItem(0)
m.To = "Paul Tucker" ' The distribution list name goes here
m.Subject = "SUPP Analysis Spreadsheet "
m.body = Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
" Date: " & date & Chr(13) & _
m.attachments.Add ReportDir & exportName ' point to the full address
of attachment here
' There can be multiple of the above
' m.display ' display shows email and the user has to press send
m.send ' Send does it automatically with security from Outlook
set m = nothing
set o = nothing

you can do the same as above but replace the m.body with the
following if you want to have an html formated body with perhaps a
table to be included.
' next two only if the body is to include HTML

m.bodyformat = 2 ' not necessary if no html this makes it html
' 1 is text 2 is HTML 3 is RTF
m.htmlbody = Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _
"<body>" & _
"<Table>" &_
"<tr>" &_
"<td><b> Date: </b></td>" & _
"<td>" & Date & "</td>" & _
"</tr>" &_
"<tr>" &_
"<td></td>" & _
"<td></td>" & _
"</tr>" &_
" </Table>" &_
Now if you are using Outlook and want to try to get around the
security check:


Express ClickYes vs. ClickYes Pro. Which one suits you better.
ClickYes Software is your helping hand in solving issues caused by
these Outlook warnings. There are two versions available at the
moment: Express ClickYes and ClickYes Pro.

Both of them work in the background. You will hardly ever remember of
ClickYes once it was installed and configured. Both of them are for
allowing your email application work without any delays. But though
they are very similar by name, they are completely different from each
other by design.

While Express ClickYes just clicks the Yes button on behalf of you,
ClickYes Pro configures Outlook security settings and prevents the
Outlook security prompts from appearing at all.

If you go to their website you can learn more about the application.
and here is a reference to another program that is supposed to help.
If you are using Outlook, you can stop it with Outlook Redemption:

Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP


I hope all this helps


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