Subjects expanded or collapsed

  • Thread starter Thread starter CW
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Sometimes when I go to this newsgroup it opens with the
issues all collapsed, sometimes they are all expanded.
Sometimes the Collapse All or Expand All button is there,
sometimes not.
Does it just decide on its own what it wants to do, or is
there some way I can control this?
It depends on what software you are using as your newsreader... I use
Outlook Express and don't have expand all or collapse all choices.... if I
do, I don't know where the option is.

I was thinking I came straight into here via IE6.0, but
just checked within that and see that OE is indeed set as
the newsgroup reader. The toggling Expand All/Collapse
All options appear (sometimes) immediately to the right
of the "Subject" header word on the lighter blue bar.
Oh well, enough questions for today. Curiosity killed the
cat, and all that...
Hi there CW,

If you are using Outlook express and you want the message groups to always
expand, go to the tools and options and then read section and select expand
message groups.........What a laugh Eh !!
Of course. Elementary, my dear Kelly. Except, mate, it
don't work like wot it should! Made no diff. Oh well, no
fret, bigger things to worry our minds with...
Tks anyway
Hi There,

Didn't work Eh! that's a bummer.

Just checked it out here and it works for me, it even puts them back to their
collapsed state if you uncheck the far as I can remember that option
worked all the way back to windows 98 version. You might want to consider
uninstalling outlook (after you have first used it to save your address book
and any emails you want to preserve) and then re-install it...its a couple of
minutes work.

I noted this morning when going into this newsgroup via the Internet
Explorer browser-based reader, via the link on the opening page of my
website.... the option to Expand All or Contract All, just above the
subjects, isn't provided.

But, when I access the Plus newsgroup the same way, via the link I provided
on the new website, the Expand All or Contract
All option is there and functions fine.

It works in my Outlook Express as John Kelly says, but it's a much longer
way to toggle it than the more convenient option in the browser-based

I just explored the various newsgroups, using the browser-based reader, and
see the option being there depends on the newsgroup.... but this one is the
only one so far that I see the option not working for???

Hi there CW,

Here we go again....if you want to keep downloading messages every time you
press the plus sign in a web browser environment, then that's fine, but if you
want to see the result instantly...go the way of a dedicated news reader.

What some people do not seem to know, no surprise, is that web news readers are
provided for computer systems that are not running any form of Windows
operating system, and where the still basic readers on these other operating
systems do not have that facility, or there is no suitable news reader (for
today's style of news delivery) anyway

If you want quick fast recovery from one state to the other News Rover a free
and highly developed news and e-mail program is the way to go with its ability
to access multiple news servers at the rate of 50 at a time...and this costs
nothing remember...or you could use Outlook....not so advanced but a good
program, or if you do not know or do not want to know how to use outlook...then
use the slower (pedestrian) web news reader
Oh Wow PapaJohn does it again,

I noted this morning when going into this newsgroup via the Internet
Explorer browser-based reader, via the link on the opening page of

Deary me, please get your facts is just a web page that lists
messages nothing else...IT IS NOT A BROWSER BASED READER. There is no such
animal, at least not in Internet Explorer...its just plain old HTML and maybe a
bit of XML and probably a bit of could read it in exactly the same
way from a Unix, Macintosh, Linux, or any other system type using their own web would not then become a Unix Browser-Based reader....