Frequently when sending out recurring meeting requests to a large group of
people, someone invariably declines the appointment (meaning to only decline
one of the recurring meetings) and actually declines the entire chain of
meeting requests. Then I receive a call stating that he/she doesn't have a
meeting on his/her calendar. I respond that I DID, in fact, send the
recurring meeting to him/her to which they respond...."Oh, I guess I must
have deleted it. Could you resend me the appointments?" Here's where I run
into the problem...
I have tried deleting his/her name from the group list and saving the
recurring appointments without resending and then reopening the recurring
appointment, re-adding his/her name and sending an update. Sometimes, this
action results in everyone on the list receiving an update (which is
confusing as they already have the appointment).
I have noticed that when I click on the envelope next to person's name
under the Attendees list (under Subject tab) that it shows an option to "Send
meeting to this attendee" or "Don't Send meeting to this attendee." However,
nowhere in any literature that I can find are there instructions for how to
use this option. I have tried clicking "Send meeting to this attendee" and
nothing happens. I have tried clicking "Send meeting to this attendee" and
then clicking Send Update...and everyone gets an update. I have tried
choosing "Don't send meeting to this attendee" for all of those I don't want
to receive an Update and then clicking Send Update hoping that only they
would receive the Update. What this does is send those for whom I clicked
"Don't send meeting to this attendee" a notice that the meeting has been
canceled! Please explain the use of these envelopes and/or how to send one
recipient the meetings again, without sending it to everyone on the list.
people, someone invariably declines the appointment (meaning to only decline
one of the recurring meetings) and actually declines the entire chain of
meeting requests. Then I receive a call stating that he/she doesn't have a
meeting on his/her calendar. I respond that I DID, in fact, send the
recurring meeting to him/her to which they respond...."Oh, I guess I must
have deleted it. Could you resend me the appointments?" Here's where I run
into the problem...
I have tried deleting his/her name from the group list and saving the
recurring appointments without resending and then reopening the recurring
appointment, re-adding his/her name and sending an update. Sometimes, this
action results in everyone on the list receiving an update (which is
confusing as they already have the appointment).
I have noticed that when I click on the envelope next to person's name
under the Attendees list (under Subject tab) that it shows an option to "Send
meeting to this attendee" or "Don't Send meeting to this attendee." However,
nowhere in any literature that I can find are there instructions for how to
use this option. I have tried clicking "Send meeting to this attendee" and
nothing happens. I have tried clicking "Send meeting to this attendee" and
then clicking Send Update...and everyone gets an update. I have tried
choosing "Don't send meeting to this attendee" for all of those I don't want
to receive an Update and then clicking Send Update hoping that only they
would receive the Update. What this does is send those for whom I clicked
"Don't send meeting to this attendee" a notice that the meeting has been
canceled! Please explain the use of these envelopes and/or how to send one
recipient the meetings again, without sending it to everyone on the list.