Subject : Q) SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm) for wireless NDIS driver.
Dear all,
I want to ask you a question about SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm) for wireless
NDIS driver.
It needs to use SHA algorithms because it's spec of that.
At first, I need to derive a new_key using a old_key according to below
new_key = SHA(PAD|(old_key))
old_key : 20 bytes char array. (will be given)
PAD = 0x3a repeated 64 times.
There is no more comments for this. I think the above function(SHA) is an
abstract representaion.
Q1) In this case, SHA refer the SHA-1?
Q2) Could you please tell me how to get the new_key little bit more detail?
What's the SHA function refers? Is it refer the SHA-1? Is it an abstract
Is there any c source codes for the SHA function to create the new_key?
Have a nice day.
Thank you.
Dear all,
I want to ask you a question about SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm) for wireless
NDIS driver.
It needs to use SHA algorithms because it's spec of that.
At first, I need to derive a new_key using a old_key according to below
new_key = SHA(PAD|(old_key))
old_key : 20 bytes char array. (will be given)
PAD = 0x3a repeated 64 times.
There is no more comments for this. I think the above function(SHA) is an
abstract representaion.
Q1) In this case, SHA refer the SHA-1?
Q2) Could you please tell me how to get the new_key little bit more detail?
What's the SHA function refers? Is it refer the SHA-1? Is it an abstract
Is there any c source codes for the SHA function to create the new_key?
Have a nice day.
Thank you.