Subject: Application failed to initialize:0x800106ba

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Looks like I'm having the same issue as some other folks. Not sure what to do
1st. help..
I saw where some other people with the same issue uninstalled defender and
reinstalled updated version.. it seems to have worked for me.. :)

I have the same problem in France with my computer and the message "windows
defender : application failed to initialize 0x800106ba..." which appears when
starting. I cannot uninstall windows defender. How did you proceed ? Do you
have other advices ?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

Bonjour Guillaume,

1.- Check your Time and Date

1.- Vérifier votre date de système. Si votre date de système est correcte,
vérifier les formats de date longs et courts pour votre endroit, et s'assurer
que vous êtes réglé au choix le plus haut dans les boîtes de dropdown pour
ces formats. (Ou tolérer l'étrangeté, qui peut étendre au bêta terminant à
une date imprévue).

2.- Use a restore point, to uninstall.

2.- Une solution serait de rentrer à un restaure le point qui antidate le
temps le problème premier a été remarqué.
Bien sûr, cela éliminera aucuns autres changements vous pourriez avoir fait
puisque ce temps. Néanmoins, cela peut être la route la plus facile à
l'action corrective.

Après le Restaurer le Point, essayer de désinstaller.

Savons comment qu'il travaille ºut.

Et nous dire quel travail de solution.

Bonne chance
Salut Guillaume,

If your machine is set to US Regional options but your short date format is
modified to dd/MM/yyyy then AntiSpyware fails to run complaining that the
software expired.
If you change your short date format temporarily it will run and after the
first run you can set it back to dd/MM/yyyy.

Strange, true.
Engel - you should retire this tip--only in some form of museum will you
find the code that has this issue running--this was an important tip for
beta1, but that is long gone.

On XP, the first thing to check for this error is the version number of
Windows Defender--and if it is less than 1593, go to and
download the released version. If the version in place is 1592, they will
need to do an uninstall before installing the downloaded version, otherwise
they can simply run the downloaded file.

I do see one report of this error on Vista, but with an additional error
message--I've no clear idea what to do about that one--it is not likely to
be related to this message on XP.
(the same error message will be generated whenever the service fails to
initialize, which can have multiple causes--so there can be multiple causes
of this error--but for XP, now, the out-of-date executable is the first
thing to test.)
