Subforms not working properly

  • Thread starter Thread starter Coleen
  • Start date Start date


I have a small database that is well normalized; it has six tables, three of
which are "link" tables to link to the ID's for types, technician names and
county names. The other three contain the main data and are linked related
properly and the form and subform for them is working perfectly. The
problem I am having is with the two subforms for the technicians and
counties. I have them linked as subforms so that as you scroll through the
main form the related data in the subforms scrolls correctly; however, the
problem I am having is when the user needs to enter a new record, both of
these subforms do not allow me to select from the list (I've set them up as
drop-downs with the ID's linked to the main form, and showing the name of
the tech or county and not the ID's) I am getting the message: "Control
can't be edited; it's bound to AutoNumber field County_ID" when I try to
select a county or tech from the drop-down. I am totally done with this
form except for this problem! Can anyone please help?


Although I would rather have solved this using subforms, I solved it by
changing the table that stores the ID's for the County & Tech to look-up
drop-downs and then removed the subforms and put in the fields for the
County ID and Tech ID and had them do the look up in the form. The reason I
would have preferred to use subforms is because I need to filter both those
fields to only display certain data on entry. I solved that by changing the
row source on both of those fields to a query and put the criteria into the
fields to do the filtering. Simple, but I really wanted to get the subforms
to work. Has anyone tried to use a subform for this purpose?


Without seeing the database structure I can only have a guess, but I would
suggest that the problem may be in the way you have the Primary key - Foreign
key set up.