subforms getting requeried unnecess

  • Thread starter Thread starter Malcolm Cook
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Malcolm Cook

I am surprised to find that subforms get queried whenever any change is made to any field on the master form.

For example, in the Northwind ADP, in the "Orders" form, changing any field at all results in the embedded subform to be queried,
as evidenced by the following SQL Profiler trace:

RPC:Completed exec sp_executesql N'SELECT * FROM "dbo"."Order Details Extended" WHERE ((@P1 = "OrderID"))', N'@P1 int', 10248
Microsoft Office 2003

Since the contents of the subform depend solely upon the value of the values for the 'Link Master Fields', I don't see any reason
why this should be the behavior of and ADP application.

I find these queries to be both entirely unnecessary and inefficient. I would appreciate learning if
my reasoning is incorrect and I am overlooking some important consideration
what reasons exist for this implementation
if there are any settings that alter this behavior (i.e. cause the subform only to requeried if any of the linking fields in the
master form is changed).

Hi Malcolm,

Thanks for the questions.

Yes, as you have tested, this is a by design feature of Access and I am
afraid we do not have options to close/disable this for subform refresh
checking everytime.

Sincerely yours,

Michael Cheng
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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