
  • Thread starter Thread starter Reli
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I have a main form which is my contact list. I have
created a subform to keep track of the mailers i have sent
out for every property we own.

main form has contact data: company name, contact name,
contact address, etc.
subform has mailer data: prop. name, date mailer sent,
comments, etc.

My problem is I could not link the mainform to my subform.
I wanted to enter mailer data on my subform, while the
main form has data for the contacts.

When I make the data entry on the subform, it is saved for
all contacts instead of being a record for one contact

Please help. Thanks.

I think it is now roking.

BUT, I have to type the property names each time I make an
update to my mailer data subform. Is it possible to type
all the property names in one column & just make entries
on the date mailer sent & comments columns?