I have a form (Customers) setup with one subform (InvoiceSub), whic
shows Invoice Details for that customer. I have a text box (InvTotal)o
the subform which sums (using "=SUM(TOTAL)) the Invoice Totals for al
records in the filter. Back on the customer form I have another tex
box which uses "=[InvoiceSub].[Form]![InvTotal]". The totals show u
fine when there are records for the subform but I get #Error when ther
are no records in the subform. I have fried things like changing th
control source of the subform's text box t
but this gives me a #Name? result in the customer form's text box.
Can anyone please help
shows Invoice Details for that customer. I have a text box (InvTotal)o
the subform which sums (using "=SUM(TOTAL)) the Invoice Totals for al
records in the filter. Back on the customer form I have another tex
box which uses "=[InvoiceSub].[Form]![InvTotal]". The totals show u
fine when there are records for the subform but I get #Error when ther
are no records in the subform. I have fried things like changing th
control source of the subform's text box t
but this gives me a #Name? result in the customer form's text box.
Can anyone please help