Ray Todd Jr
I have a subform (subDefendants) that is on the form frmMAIN. When I enter a
new defendant (via a button on subDefendants), a popup is displayed
After entering the requested data and the popup is closed, there is a
'empty' cbo box on the subform 'reserving' the space for the defendants name.
If I click on the defendants name to get the details of that defendant, the
name displays when the details form is shown.
The control cboDEFENDANTSNAME is bound to the DefendantsNameID but displays
the name as " Last, First Middle Suffix " format.
Again, I just can't the name to display when the popup form is shown to
allow the user to enter in a new defendant.
Thanks for any help...
new defendant (via a button on subDefendants), a popup is displayed
After entering the requested data and the popup is closed, there is a
'empty' cbo box on the subform 'reserving' the space for the defendants name.
If I click on the defendants name to get the details of that defendant, the
name displays when the details form is shown.
The control cboDEFENDANTSNAME is bound to the DefendantsNameID but displays
the name as " Last, First Middle Suffix " format.
Again, I just can't the name to display when the popup form is shown to
allow the user to enter in a new defendant.
Thanks for any help...