okay, let's take the following scenario: the main form is open, and Sub1
has the focus. you select a specific record in Sub1, and then click the
command button in Sub1's header section. try the following code in the
command button's click event, as
Me.Parent!Sub2.Visible = True
Me.Parent!Sub1.Visible = False
Me.Parent!Sub2.Form.Recordset.FindFirst "NoteID = " & Me!NoteID
so you show the second subform's container control, and set the focus
and then hide the first subform's container control. the *code* is still
running from the first subform's module, so Me!NoteID refers to the key
field on the first subform. i haven't tested this, so try it out and if
run into problems then post back, and we'll work it out.
btw, note that Sub1 and Sub2 refer to the names of the subform controls on
the main form - not the names of the subform form objects as seen in the
database window. sometimes the names are the same, and sometimes they're
different. to be sure you're referring to the correct name of the
control for each subform, do the following: open the main form in design
view. click on Sub1 once, within the main form, to select it. in the
Properties box, click on the Other tab and look at the Name property. do
same with Sub2 to get its' correct container control name.
Derek Brown said:
Thanks Tina
Can you spell it out. I need the code for a command button on the from form
straight to the other subform. Would you mind I have been trying to
it for hours!
These are a few of the many I have tried. Also below is code for making one
form visible and the other invisible. I have had to do it this way
according to error messages I cannot set the visible property of a form
while it still has the focus.
NoteID is the Key Field
Forms![MainForm]![Sub2].Form.Visible = True
Forms![MainForm]![Sub1].Form.Visible = False
'Me.Recordset.FindFirst "NoteID = " & Me.Parent!Sub2!NoteID
'Me.Parent!Sub2!NoteID = "NoteID = " & Me.Recordset.FindFirst
Me.Parent!Sub2!NoteID.Recordset.FindFirst "NoteID = " & Me.NoteID
Thanks a million
tina said:
if both subforms are loaded when the main form opens, then you should
able to refer directly to the current record in one subform, from the
subform. just do a Find action on one subform's Recordset, using the value
of the primary key field from the other subform, as
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "PrimaryKeyField = " &
the above goes all on one line. the exact syntax depends on where
running the code from - the mainform? or the subform you're moving *from*?
or the subform you're moving *to*? the code example is based on the
running within the "to" subform.
Hi All
I have two subforms on a main form that access the same table via the
query. One is always visable while the other is hidden and their
can be swapped around. Wierd So far?. One subform is placed over the
and shows all records in continuous form view. The other shows a full
view of one record at a time with record navigation buttons. I want to be
able to keep a note of the Bookmark of the current selected record in the
first Subform then switch to the second subform and find the same