Subform not displaying correctly on one machine

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michelle
  • Start date Start date


We have several people who use an Access 2002 database,
but one of them receives the following error:

"The expression is typed incorrectly, or is too
complicated to be evaluated. For example, a numeric
expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try
simplyfying the expression by assigning parts of the
expression to variables."

Here are his steps:
1.) Open the Customer form that has a subform that lists
the customers orders
2.) Open an Order into the Order window (it doesn't matter
which order)
3.) Close the Order Window (you don't have to do anything
to the order; simply opening the Order window does the
4.) Now try to search for another company by using the
Start of Field option.
5.) Bingo...the error above occurs, and the subform
has "#NAME" in all of the fields.

On his machine, it doesn't seem to matter which user is
used. Also, I can perform the same exact steps on my
machine, and no issues occur.

His machine is running a brand new installed version of XP

Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome!!

It is possible his machine isn't running all the necessary references or is
missing some references that the other machines have. For example if your
database uses DAO rather than ADO, his machine may be looking at ADO and not

Check his reference settings. Also recompile his version; this is assuming
you have the database split. If your database isn't split, then I would
recommend doing this before you end up corrupting your database beyond
repair and noone can use it. See Database Splitting for more information.
Is it possible that the person doesn't have Access XP up-to-date with
the updates?