Subform loses it's formatting



Something weird - I've put a subform in an existing form using a subform
control but the subform doesn't display the correct formatting. It's corrct
if you look at the subform in design mode - correct fonts and captions - but
doesn't display right in user mode. Any idea what is wrong. Access 2000 by
the way.

Bob Quintal

Something weird - I've put a subform in an existing form using a
subform control but the subform doesn't display the correct
formatting. It's corrct if you look at the subform in design mode
- correct fonts and captions - but doesn't display right in user
mode. Any idea what is wrong. Access 2000 by the way.
How is what it's showing wrong?

I'll guess and say it's showing as a datasheet instead of form. You fix
this by setting the default view of the form in the subform control to
continuous forms or single form - your choice.

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