Subform display all records in tabular form




Both my form and subform need to display data from the
same table.

Parent form: Columnar layout
Subform: tabular layout

Problem: When the subform is linked to the parent form
by the primary key it only displays one record at a time
instead of all the records. I want the subform to
display the entire table and all the manipulations as
records are edited, added and so forth.

Also, I have a problem where the fields change, but the
navigation record displayed on the subforms navigation
record manipulation tab on the bottom of the subform
stays on record one. Since both the subform and the
parent form are from the same exact table with the same
exact fields I do not understand why the record display
does not change with each record movement on the parent
form. How can I fix this? (Is there a way to hide this
so that it does not confuse the user if nothing can be

Any help is appreciated,


John Vinson


Both my form and subform need to display data from the
same table.

I hope you're aware that having the same record open twice (on form
and subform) for editing will make it impossible to edit the data one
place or the other. Is that OK?
Parent form: Columnar layout
Subform: tabular layout

Problem: When the subform is linked to the parent form
by the primary key it only displays one record at a time
instead of all the records. I want the subform to
display the entire table and all the manipulations as
records are edited, added and so forth.

Then set the Master Link Field and Child Link Field properties to
blank; you'll also need to Requery the subform in the AfterUpdate
event of the mainform:

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Also, I have a problem where the fields change, but the
navigation record displayed on the subforms navigation
record manipulation tab on the bottom of the subform
stays on record one. Since both the subform and the
parent form are from the same exact table with the same
exact fields I do not understand why the record display
does not change with each record movement on the parent
form. How can I fix this? (Is there a way to hide this
so that it does not confuse the user if nothing can be

You can set the Form's properties to hide the navigation buttons,
sure: view the Form's properties and set its Navigation Buttons
property to No. Are you perhaps just repeatedly overwriting the data
in the first record, rather than navigating to new records?

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