Subform data not showing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Deb
  • Start date Start date


I have a form that I enter orders on and in a subform I
bring up all prior orders by this same customer. I have
been successful in doing this on set up. But when I enter
a new order my subform doesn't display unless I click on
the design view and immediately click back to the form
view - then it displays exactly what I want. Is there a
way to set this so it automatically shows up?
In the AfterUpdate event of the main form but a code line like:

to have your subform requery its recordsource and read the new record. BTW,
most apps are designed so that the main form shows the 1 side of the
relationship and the subform shows the many; i.e. main form shows customer
record, and subform shows all orders for that customer. A command button
could popup an entry form to add a new order for that customer.
