Subform/ComboBox Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter depawl
  • Start date Start date


Is it possible to have a user select an item from a combo box on a form
and then have that selection fill in a field in a subform (and it's
related table)?
A combo box on a form has the user select from a CustomerID field. The
selected value is then a foreign field in a subform which the user
enters data for items purchased by the selected customer.
Rather than having the user enter the CustomerID (and Customer Name)
again in the subform, I'd like to have those values automatically
entered in the subform ( and it's associated table) when the user
selects the value from the CustomerID combo box in the main form.
Sounds like a table design issue. If you have only a single CustomerID for
the Order, the CustomerID should appear ONLY in the Order header table, NOT
in the OrderDetails table.
That was just an example, and perhaps not a very good one. Anyways what
I'm trying to do is have a selection from a ComboBox in the main form
automatically fill in a field in a subform (and it's associated table).