The first query contains a [Service Calls].[Policy Number] field which I
have already advised you to remove from this table.
The second query is already based on all 3 tables, so you should be able
to include any fields you like from these tables. However, you have a
RIGHT JOIN between the Account Information and Location tables, which
doesn't seem to make sense. What was your purpose in doing this? It
means to return all Location records, even if there is no matching
Policy Number in the Account Information table, which should never
happen (as I understand it).
Also, the idea of a form based on a query with all 3 tables would be
very unusual in this type of design. The whole concept of a
form/subform construct is that the main form and subform are based on
tables or queries which are in a one-to-many relationship to each other,
and which "work" by way of the link between them as defined by the
subform's Link Master Fields and Link Child Fields property settings.
Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
Ok, now that you helped straighten me out on that here is my current issue
I have two forms which I use to enter fields. One form has a subform and
the other is a form with many fields showing existing data and users fill in
the remaining fields. Both of these forms use fields from all 3 tables.
Each query for the form on its own will show the Account Name and Policy
Number for each record. But when I try and join these 2 queries together,
some of the records leave the Account Name and Policy Numbers blank. Here
are the 2 queries.
SELECT [Service Calls].[Policy Number], [Service Calls].[Service Call
Number], [Service Calls].[Account Name], [Service Calls].[Location ID],
[Service Calls].[Date Call Completed], [Service Calls].[Date Written Report
Sent], [Service Calls].Comments, [Service Calls].[Assigned Consultant]
FROM [Service Calls];
SELECT Location.[Assigned Consultant], [Service Calls].[Service Call
Number], [Service Calls].[Scheduled Service Month], Location.[Location
Address], Location.[Location City], Location.[Location State],
Location.[Location Zip Code], [Service Calls].[Date Call Completed], [Service
Calls].[Date Written Report Sent], [Service Calls].[Cancel Service Call],
[Service Calls].[Waive Service Call], [Service Calls].Comments, [Service
Calls].[Rescheduled Service Month], [Service Calls].[INITIAL EVALUATION],
[Service Calls].[PROGRAM/MGMT EVALUATION], [Service Calls].[JOBSITE SURVEY],
[Service Calls].[OPERATIONS SURVEY], [Service Calls].[LOSS ANALYSIS],
[Service Calls].[ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION], [Service Calls].TRAINING, [Service
Calls].[SAFETY MEETING], [Service Calls].[ACTION PLANNING], [Service
[Service Calls].[PHONE SURVEY/OTHER], [Service Calls].Evaluation, [Service
Calls].Recommendations, [Service Calls].[Call Type], [Account
Information].[Account Name], [Service Calls].[Type of Service], [Service
Calls].[Service Call Type], [Service Calls].[Assigned Consultant],
Location.[Policy Number]
FROM ([Account Information] RIGHT JOIN Location ON [Account
Information].[Policy Number] = Location.[Policy Number]) INNER JOIN [Service
Calls] ON Location.[Location ID] = [Service Calls].[Location ID];
Can you help me so that all records will show Policy Number and Account Name
when I join these 2 queries in one query? Does this make sense?