Subaddress for a chart in Excel



I'm writing an Access database with links to Excel. In my Excel spreadsheet,
I have a chart that I would like the database to link to. However, the Excel
chart is situated not into a part of a normal worksheet, but in a separate
worksheet/tab of its own, if you know what I mean. The chart's worksheet/tab
is titled "Chart1".

So, what subaddress should I use for Access to be able to link to the chart
itself, rather than to the whole Excel spreadsheet? I tried "Chart1", but it
doesn't work as I think the program is looking for a range such as
Sheet1!A1:C10 or something similar that I don't have for the chart.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Chip Pearson

Try something like


Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC


Thanks, Chip.

However, it is still not working as I get a "Reference is not valid" error
message in Access when I set the hyperlink subaddress field to

Any other suggestions?


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