Smokey Grindle
This is just a wierd one... I am trying to draw the sub items in the
drawitem event of the list view in owner drawn mode (because of documented
W32 rendering bugs) instead of in two seperate items drawitem and
drawsubitems... but when I run this code in the drawitems
For Each subItm As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem In _tn.SubItems
' If subItm..ColumnIndex <> 0 Then
'If (e.State And Windows.Forms.ListViewItemStates.Selected) = 1 Then
' textColor = Drawing.SystemColors.Window
' textColor = e.Item.ForeColor
'End If
If _tn.SubItems.IndexOf(subItm) > 0 Then
If (e.State And Windows.Forms.ListViewItemStates.Hot) = 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Left: {0} Index: {1} Text {2}",
subItm.Bounds.Left, _tn.SubItems.IndexOf(subItm), subItm.Text.Trim))
e.Graphics.DrawString(subItm.Text, subItm.Font, New
Drawing.SolidBrush(textColor), New Drawing.RectangleF(subItem.Bounds.Left,
subItm.Bounds.Top + ((subItm.Bounds.Height -
CInt(e.Graphics.MeasureString(subItm.Text, subItm.Font).Height)) \ 2),
subItm.Bounds.Width, subItm.Bounds.Height), NodeStringFormat)
If (e.State And Windows.Forms.ListViewItemStates.Selected) =
Windows.Forms.ListViewItemStates.Selected Then
e.Graphics.DrawString(subItm.Text, subItm.Font, New
Drawing.SolidBrush(Drawing.Color.White), New
Drawing.RectangleF(subItm.Bounds.Left, subItm.Bounds.Top +
((subItm.Bounds.Height - CInt(e.Graphics.MeasureString(subItm.Text,
subItm.Font).Height)) \ 2), subItm.Bounds.Width, subItm.Bounds.Height),
e.Graphics.DrawString(subItm.Text, subItm.Font,
Drawing.SystemBrushes.HotTrack, New
Drawing.RectangleF(subItm.Bounds.Left,subItm.Bounds.Top +
((subItm.Bounds.Height - CInt(e.Graphics.MeasureString(subItm.Text,
subItm.Font).Height)) \ 2), subItm.Bounds.Width, subItm.Bounds.Height),
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
it fails miserably! My bounds always seem to come out with a bad numberl ike
why?! how do i render sub items in the item draw event properly?
drawitem event of the list view in owner drawn mode (because of documented
W32 rendering bugs) instead of in two seperate items drawitem and
drawsubitems... but when I run this code in the drawitems
For Each subItm As ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem In _tn.SubItems
' If subItm..ColumnIndex <> 0 Then
'If (e.State And Windows.Forms.ListViewItemStates.Selected) = 1 Then
' textColor = Drawing.SystemColors.Window
' textColor = e.Item.ForeColor
'End If
If _tn.SubItems.IndexOf(subItm) > 0 Then
If (e.State And Windows.Forms.ListViewItemStates.Hot) = 0 Then
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Left: {0} Index: {1} Text {2}",
subItm.Bounds.Left, _tn.SubItems.IndexOf(subItm), subItm.Text.Trim))
e.Graphics.DrawString(subItm.Text, subItm.Font, New
Drawing.SolidBrush(textColor), New Drawing.RectangleF(subItem.Bounds.Left,
subItm.Bounds.Top + ((subItm.Bounds.Height -
CInt(e.Graphics.MeasureString(subItm.Text, subItm.Font).Height)) \ 2),
subItm.Bounds.Width, subItm.Bounds.Height), NodeStringFormat)
If (e.State And Windows.Forms.ListViewItemStates.Selected) =
Windows.Forms.ListViewItemStates.Selected Then
e.Graphics.DrawString(subItm.Text, subItm.Font, New
Drawing.SolidBrush(Drawing.Color.White), New
Drawing.RectangleF(subItm.Bounds.Left, subItm.Bounds.Top +
((subItm.Bounds.Height - CInt(e.Graphics.MeasureString(subItm.Text,
subItm.Font).Height)) \ 2), subItm.Bounds.Width, subItm.Bounds.Height),
e.Graphics.DrawString(subItm.Text, subItm.Font,
Drawing.SystemBrushes.HotTrack, New
Drawing.RectangleF(subItm.Bounds.Left,subItm.Bounds.Top +
((subItm.Bounds.Height - CInt(e.Graphics.MeasureString(subItm.Text,
subItm.Font).Height)) \ 2), subItm.Bounds.Width, subItm.Bounds.Height),
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
it fails miserably! My bounds always seem to come out with a bad numberl ike
why?! how do i render sub items in the item draw event properly?