Sub Forms

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stacie
  • Start date Start date


I've used Access to create databases before, however, I've
never inserted a Sub Form before, and I'm wondering how to
do one, and if it will serve the purpose that I'm needing
it for.

What I need to do is create a database that tracks the
status of contracts. At the top of the form, all the
pertinent information about the contract will be shown,
but then I'd like to have a sub form that has one row in
it, and the first cell will be a date, and the next cell
will be a description. For instance, the line might read:

6/25/04 Contract received partially executed.

Then each time I need to update the status of the
contract, I can just add a new row above the exisiting
rows, type in the date, etc...

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again!
Okay, thanks for your help! I'll check it out.
-----Original Message-----
Actually, with a subform, the New Record is always on the bottom. However,
you CAN fool it. On my website, see sig below, is a small sample database
called: "ContinuousFormWithNewRecordOnTop.mdb", which illustrates how to do

--Roger Carlson
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