Sub-Form within a Sub-Form within a Form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Regan via
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Michael Regan via

I belive there is a way to do this using relationship mapping and not
bother with VB or SQL, but correct me if I'm wrong.

I want to create a "Book" form, with a sub-form within it for "Titles" and
a sub form within that for "Production Team"

Therefore multiple entries can be created in the "Production Team" Sub-Form
within the "Title" Sub-Form,
and in turn multiple entries can be made for "Title" Sub-Form within the
"Book" form.

I thought I worked out the logic using ID tag links, but I always get a
duplicate entry error. Any suggestions?
I have a similar situation that works. Have the book table contain a lookup
to the Titles table and in turn a field in the titles table a lookup to the
production team. Create a query with the the fields you want from the three
linked tables, then create a form using the wizard and it will create a three
part form book items, title items and production items. Good luck
I tried that (without the 'Query'; I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Here is what I have:
Table 1: Book
BookID (AutoNumber)
Title (Text)
Publisher (Text)

Table 2: Story
StoryID (AutoNumber)
Story (Text)
BookID (Number: linked to 'BookID' in 'Book Table')

Table 3: Professional
ProfessionalID: (AutoNumber)
Name (Text)
Profession (Text)
StoryID (Number: linked to 'StoryID' in 'Story Table')

I appears to work until I attempt to enter a 2nd story. It becomes
populated with the proffesionals from Story 1. If I change them, the
professionals from story 1 change to match.

This is the most basic version of a more complicated DB I wish to create
but the problem is similar.