My Objective:
User enters data in a field on a form.
The form has a subform.
When data is entered, only 2 choices appear on the combo box, on the subform.
And the user cannot close the form unless one is picked.
Here is what I have so far, but I'm stick on the last line, etc.
If Me.TR_ACKNOWLTR <> " " Then
If MsgBox("You pick from combo box. Continue? ", vbQuestion & vbYesNo,
"Question") = vbYes Then
Me!f_CaseLog!CA_NAME = "AG" or "AL"
(Need only AG or AL to appear in combo box)
(Need to not allow form to be closed until one is picked).
User enters data in a field on a form.
The form has a subform.
When data is entered, only 2 choices appear on the combo box, on the subform.
And the user cannot close the form unless one is picked.
Here is what I have so far, but I'm stick on the last line, etc.
If Me.TR_ACKNOWLTR <> " " Then
If MsgBox("You pick from combo box. Continue? ", vbQuestion & vbYesNo,
"Question") = vbYes Then
Me!f_CaseLog!CA_NAME = "AG" or "AL"
(Need only AG or AL to appear in combo box)
(Need to not allow form to be closed until one is picked).