Leaving my personal opinion to one side for a moment ... there are a lot of corners been cut here that you need to be aware of.
The MB is not listed, they never do, so one has to try and ascertain what they are using ... my guess is, not a very good one.
Why, well one PCI slot tells me it is a micro (very small) MB and has intergraded audio AND video, meaning, on-board sound & graphics ... if you wan't to play any serious games, forget it. They don't actually say if the graphic is indeed intergraded onto the MB, but I'll bet you it is and shares your system ram.
The CPU is the minimum you could possibly buy & the cheapest ... 512mb ram is the minimum and is probably 2x256 sticks, meaning you would have to replace them to install more and you really should be looking at a min of 1gig in PC memory ... the HD, while not the smallest is not what I would expect, hell I was fitting 120gig drives 2 years ago as a standard drive ... is it 64bit, I could not tell, but it did not say, so ........
I'll cut to the chase ... forget it.