Style tag not working - html

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I am doing some simple html programming and
I cannot get the stype tag reference to work in IE 6.0.
It works just fine in Foxfire.
I have spent several hours and tried hundreds of variations.
I reduced it to a test program.
Can someone tell me why this simple code segment won't work?
Ron said:
I am doing some simple html programming and
I cannot get the stype tag reference to work in IE 6.0.
It works just fine in Foxfire.
I have spent several hours and tried hundreds of variations.
I reduced it to a test program.
Can someone tell me why this simple code segment won't work?

There is no such thing as an <AA> tag. Use a tag that exists.
C A Upsdell" <""cupsdell"@nospam@upsdel said:
There is no such thing as an <AA> tag. Use a tag that exists.
The <style>AA{...}</style> is supposed to define the AA tag.
At least according to the manuals & on-line sites.
Someone told me that IE 6 only supports linked style definitions, not local
ones - is that true? Seems rather weird - never make it easy when it can be
Ron said:
The <style>AA{...}</style> is supposed to define the AA tag.
At least according to the manuals & on-line sites.
Someone told me that IE 6 only supports linked style definitions, not local
ones - is that true? Seems rather weird - never make it easy when it can be

You need to learn more about CSS. In HTML the style tag does not define
new tags; in HTML you cannot define new tags; the CSS just specifies the
appearance of content for existing tags.
I've got two manuals and I looked at several on-line sources, and none of
them said that. Now that I look back the examples are things like H1. You act
like I haven't done my homework. How the f*** am I supposed to know stuff
that isn't written down anyplace??? Can you give answers without attacking
the person for not knowing???
Ron said:
I've got two manuals and I looked at several on-line sources, and none of
them said that. Now that I look back the examples are things like H1. You act
like I haven't done my homework. How the f*** am I supposed to know stuff
that isn't written down anyplace??? Can you give answers without attacking
the person for not knowing???

Telling a person that they need to learn more is not attacking them.
Pissing on someone who is trying to help you is not a good tactic. Bye.