Style Sheets and Shared Borders

  • Thread starter Thread starter Allen
  • Start date Start date


Can a style sheet "replace" MS FP's Shared Borders feature? I have a very
large website with subsites edited by other users (teachers in a school). I
want to keep the "Shared Borders" advantages of having a common theme with
top, left and bottom the same on every page but I know that CSS is the more
acceptable way to go. How would you go about setting up a "shared borders"
type of site using an external Style Sheet? thanks.
CSS is about how content is *displayed*, not the content itself.
Shared borders are about the content around the edges of the page.

CSS can replace the *theme* used in a FrontPage website but cannot replace
a shared border. FP2003 uses CSS to render themes, and FP2000/2002 have
that as an option.

You can (probably should) replace the shared borders with a Dynamic Web
Template (DWT), which can be thought of as a flexible shared border, and
then use CSS to provide a common theme for the pages (colours, backgrounds,
fonts etc.).

For more information regarding CSS go to
I'm using DWT on another website that I'm creating using FP2003. however, my
school only has the license for FP2002 which does not have support for DWT
(that I can find). Thanks for the info.