Style Sheet

  • Thread starter Thread starter rehanbasar
  • Start date Start date


I have a dynamic webpage that contains many HTML tables. Can anyone
guide me how can i use CSS to control its appearance because in some
cases its display is OK, while in other cases it looks horrible
depending on type of data fetched from server.
ThankS in Advance
Rehan Basar
Hi Rehanbasar,

My advice is not to use a server side stylesheet at all. The user is King
and client appearance should be the domain of the user with the use of User

When you build your table on the server, specify a table width of 100% and
do not specify cell widths. That way when the table is rendered on the
client the columns will be autosized or wrapped to accomodate the enclosed

You must also be aware of how different browsers handle style attributes, so
if you use a server side stylesheet you have to program browser specific
style attributes (very time consuming and perhaps impossible to accomodate
all browsers)

Good luck.. Remember KISS - Keep it simple, stupid.